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Family Advocate At-A-Glance

This program provides intensive in-home services for abused and neglected children and their families. This DHS/DFI funded 6-9 month contract serves Intact families in order to prevent out-of-home placements.

Our Family Advocate Program

Family Advocate Program provides intensive services to intact families with children from birth to age 17 who live within in Macon County that are referred by a community service provider, DCFS, and can also be a self-referral to keep the family intact.  The family can consist of a single mother with children, a two parent family with children, single father with children and relatives that already have legal guardianship and custody of a relative’s children.

Family Advocate provides an array of services to the families which include but are not limited to advocating for the family or family member within the community such as schools, landlords, or other service providers.  Transportation to medical appointments, public aid, counseling services, to obtain items that the family is need of such as groceries, clothing, etc.  Parenting education when needed, financial education when needed, housing assistance as needed and general support.  Referrals to local medical providers, mental health providers, local thrift stores and food pantries.  Assistance to apply for government funds such as food stamps, medical benefits and TANF (cash assistance through the local public aid office.  Assistance to apply for other monetary benefits such social
security or local agencies for assistance with household bills such as power or water bills, and rent.  Educational support for the children and the parent(s) with the local school district and also educational support for the parent(s) for their own educational need.  Assistance and support to the parent(s) upon request
for their own employment needs.


Family Advocate is open to the community and allows families to request services at times when they most need assistance due to an unforeseen life event.  
Family Advocate Program’s goal is to provide services to families so they obtain the necessary skills to stabilize their environment for them and their children.


If you are a client, please contact your caseworker first and foremost. Below are individuals that can be contacted in the case of an emergency or for questions/concerns.

Marley Reed

Family Advocate Supervisor

217-423-6961 ext. 2294

Jessica Stafford

Director of Intact

217-423-6961 ext. 2160

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